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Regarding the organization of flags on wwF*Fun

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  • Messages : 6
  • Inscrit : 16 Janvier 2013
  Lien vers ce message 16 Janvier 2013, 16:45

As me talking French would result in horrific scenes of apocalyptic levels, I'll just keep if to English - if you don't mind. If you do, I'll just consult Google translate or something.

At any rate, I'm Forty-Two. I am currently level 3 admin on wwF*Fun. I'm not as serious an admin there as I am on other servers, as there's a big culture of self-regulation and a lack of cooperation between the admins there. However, I do try to 'keep the peace' as best I can when I'm present. However, this is hampered by a rather odd structure of flags. For example, if a couple of people hijack the server for private use, they tend to votekick any other connecting player. Level 2 and 3 have no immunity against that. I can see why you'd choose for that with level 2 on this server, but surely you want the people who have the !kick command at their disposal to be immune to it? If not, there's not much I can do about it, as I'll just get votekicked.
Another common frustrating point for me is that I don't have !namelog, which is a basic tool for any admin. There's no admin !listplayers either, although this can be bypassed with some creative usage of !listadmins. And finally, admin chat is not available for level 3 admins.

I'd like to ask you to fix these flags, or if you don't think there's a problem with them to give your reasoning for it. I could ask for a higher level too if you don't feel like fixing the flags, but the problem would still persist for other level 3's.

If you could consider this that'd be great; I'm not going for an approach as 'professional' as on other servers, but I would very much like flags that, in my opinion, should be available to any admin, to be available to all your admins on the server.

Maître de l'étang
Maître de l'étang
Avatar de P'tit Nico ;-)
  • Age : 45 ans
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  Lien vers ce message 16 Janvier 2013, 22:58
Hello :)

Thanks for posting.

I will be honest with you : for many members of this team Tremulous is dead. We don't play anymore...
But i still playing a little bit, and i still hosting the {wwF*Fun} Tremulous server.

I gave you Admin level 4 right now in console. B-)
You will have now a lot of tools to help you.

Hope you will continue to keep peace on this old server. :good:

You can posting on this thread if you have any questions.

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  • Messages : 6
  • Inscrit : 16 Janvier 2013
Message édité 3 fois, dernière édition par Forty-Two, 17 Janvier 2013, 17:24     Lien vers ce message 17 Janvier 2013, 14:44

Thank you for your swift reply; I know the wwF clan isn't currently active for Tremulous, so it's pretty cool you still check these forums :)

Also, thank you for the level: I guess that'll work for me. I hope no level 3's will run into the same problems I ran into :P


Edit: Level 4 also doesn't have votekick immunity, though it could potentially be bypassed with !cancelvote (sloppy, but it'd work). Also, no adjustban, admin chat or admin listplayers. I can personally deal with that, but should you want to make some improvements to flag distribution, you may want to know that ;)
Maître de l'étang
Maître de l'étang
Avatar de P'tit Nico ;-)
  • Age : 45 ans
  • Messages : 2156
  • Inscrit : 14 Janvier 2007
  Lien vers ce message 18 Janvier 2013, 8:10
I dont have the time to manage flags. Sorry ;)
